As the child of two avid rock climbers I spent my youth immersed in the outdoors. I fell in love with climbing at a young age, captivated by the sport’s intensity and engaging nature. After graduating high school I took a gap year to pursue climbing as a professional. I set the goal of climbing 5.15 before college and I’m proud to say I’ve accomplished this! (with my send of Bone Tomahawk in May 2021).
I am passionate about understanding human performance and helping others maximize their potential. This passion is what led me to study Exercise Physiology at the Pennsylvania State University. In the future I plan on using my education, in combination with my own athletic accomplishments, to provide climbers with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve their climbing and life goals.
Who I am today is a direct result of my time spent immersed in the wild. As climbers, we use the wild to fulfill personal desires. I believe it is our responsibility to be stewards of the earth and to sustain it for future generations. I am determined to protect these spaces and encourage others to do the same.
See you on the rocks!